Friday, November 27, 2009

Golden Clam, A Product Which Is Good For Our Liver

Golden Clam 黄金蚬,强化您的肝脏...

According to Professor Dr. Satoshi Morishita "Clam can strengthen the liver."

GREENO Natural Clam is:

• able to protect and revitalise the liver • certified as HALAL food
• effective in preventing and improving heart, kidney and pancreas diseases • produced with the certification of HACCP and ISO 9001:2000
• all-natural and comes from the world’s only organic algae and natural freshwater farm •
• without known side effects stimulant-free
• calorie-free
• clinically proven
• heavy-metal-free and low cholesterol
• safe to take with your prescription medications
• unique, it is unlike any other food supplement on the market
• power-packed with protein, amino acids, choline, glycogen, arginine, ornithine, taurine, vitamins (B2, B6 & B12), calcium, zinc, phosphate and more

Clam is extolled as the "best food for the liver"

It has been nature's most wonderful gift to everyone's health for hundreds of years as noted by ancient textbooks of wisdom.

Produced in the world's only organic algae and natural freshwater farm, GREENO Natural Clam's rich combination of nutrients help to revitalise the liver, boost the immune system, elevate energy level and stamina.

What you eat, where you live, and what you do all can affect your liver performance. A lot of stress from work, long working hours, lack of rest and sleep, consumption of alcohol and tobacco, poor diet and eating habit, often leading to physical exhaustion and resulting in poor general health. If your liver can not function well, you may exhibit a number of symptoms include constipation; loss of appetite; nausea after fatty meals; oily taste in the mouth; frequent headache not realted to stress, skin problem, loss of libido, no stamina, etc.

The liver is the largest gland and solid organ in the body, weighing 1.2 kg to 1.5kg. It is a complex chemical factory that works 24 hours a day, and has over estimated 500 functions. It is the most important organ in detoxification. It is unique in its ability to regenerate and can survive 80% damage without painful feelings. Liver disease is sometimes referred as a silent killer. Most people are often not aware they have the liver disease until it is too late.

Nutrition Facts

GREENO Natural Clam is power-packed with protein, including the eight essential amino acids, choline, glycogen, arginine, ornithine, taurine, vitamins (B2, B6 & b12), calcium, zinc, phosphate and more! According to Clinical Research in Japan and Taiwan, Clam can effectively protect and strengthen the functions of liver, prevent and improve liver, heart, kidney and pancreas diseases and can help control cancer particularly liver cancer.

You have only one liver

You have only ONE liver and it is for life. So please love him more!
The liver is the largest gland and solid organ in the body, weighing some 1.2 kgs to 1.5 kgs. It is reddish brown in color and is divided into four lobes of unequal size and shape. The liver lies on the right side of the abdominal cavity beneath the diaphragm. It holds approximately 13% (about one pint or 0.57 litres) of the total blood supply at any given moment, works 24 hours a day and it has over 500 estimated functions.

• A brief summary of the liver’s main functions as follows:
• controlling levels of amino acids, fat and glucose in the blood
• breaking down food and turning it into energy
• producing bile which is important in digestion
• clearing the blood of particles
• fighting infections in the body
• breaking down and neutralising drugs and toxins
• storing vitamins, iron and other essential chemicals
• regulating numerous hormones including sex hormones

Great Supplement

Clam is truly a great supplement for adults and children of all ages.

Male- Increases energy, vitality and mental alertness- Accelerates alcohol detoxification- Reduces hangover symptoms- Increases sperm fluids, enhance sex performance

Female- Rejuvenates skin- Regulates female hormones- Helps to regain health for expectant mother

Elderly- Slows down the aging process- Strengthens the body and elevates immune system

Children- Helps growth- Enhances brain development and improves memory- Protects baby from jaundice- Combats teenage skin problems

Price: RM148 (Exclude Postal Charge)
To place order, please email:


Greeno 黄金蚬:
•被认证为HALAL 食品
•依照HACCP 及 ISO 9001:2000 标准
•无重金属, 低胆固醇可和药物安全使用在市场上是独一无二的营养补助品
•富有蛋白质、胺基酸、胆碱、肝糖、精胺酸、鸟胺酸、牛磺酸、维生素 (B2, B6 & B12) 磷等等


产于全世界唯一的有机海藻及自然淡水鱼场,Greeno 天然蚬具有多种营养物质,能有效的激活肝的功用、增强免疫系统、提升能量、补充精力。你所吃的食物、住的地方,以及你所从事的活动都会影响你的肝脏的功能。工作上所面对的巨大压力、长时间的工作、缺乏休息和睡眠、喝酒和抽烟、不健康的饮食习惯都会导致身体不胜负荷,导致健康亮起红灯。如果你的肝脏功能失调,你可能会出现便秘、食欲不振、饱食一餐后作呕、口腔常有油腻的感觉、经常头痛(非压力导致)、皮肤问题、性欲降低、体力不佳等症状。 肝脏是人体最大的消化腺和器官,约1.2 至1.5 公斤重,是座24小时不打烊、复杂的“化学工厂”。据说,肝脏具有500种以上的功能,是人体最重要的排毒器官。它的特点在于其再生能力及在不痛的情况下对抗80% 的破坏。各种肝病常常被称为是“沉默的杀手”,大部分的人都没有察觉自己染上了肝病,一直到后期才发现。


营养报告Greeno 天然蚬含有大量的蛋白质,其中抱括8 种重要的氨基酸、维他命B 复合体、糖原、精氨酸、鸟氨酸、牛磺酸、维他命(B2,B6 & B12), 钙、锌、磷酸盐等等! 根据日本和台湾的医学调查,蚬可以有效的保护和加强肝脏功能、预防和改善肝脏、心脏、肾脏和胰腺等方面的疾病,同时又控制癌症的作用,特别是肝癌。



增强体力,减少疲劳感 解酒毒,解宿酒 气定神闲,不易焦燥发脾气 增加精虫数量及活动性,提升精力与耐力

养颜美容,具雕塑身材曲线的功能 平衡荷尔蒙,内分泌失调 去除孕妇怀孕前后的毒胎及与热

抗衰老,增加免疫力 防止骨骼疏松

完美而大量的钙质有益发育中的孩子 可预防小儿黄疸 青春期 - 不易长痘痘

价钱: RM148 (不包括邮寄费用,其它国家也接受预购)
